I have mentioned the Well-Led Review in previous blogs and that any change or improvement starts with having an honest assessment of where things currently stand. The review has looked at several areas including whether we have a credible strategy, our culture, leadership particularly at Executive and Board level, how we learn and improve and how engaged staff are. We are hoping to share some of the themes that have come out of this work during April, so watch this space.
The Board held a development session on the 19 March focusing on the initial outcomes of the review and how to address some of the challenges. This review will form part of a broader diagnostic about where we are as an organisation.
Together with other sources of information, we are hoping that by the end of May we should have a comprehensive view of what’s good and not so good here at the Trust and areas of improvement to focus on.
I am keen though that this is a partnership with you, our staff. This shouldn’t just be led by the Board, or Senior Leaders. I want to know what you think about working in Pennine Care? This will make sure we have a rounded perspective on the organisation.
We already have tools in place to measure staff engagement and temperature check where we’re at – Go Engage is a key part of this. I would like to say how sorry I am that I missed the celebration event last week due to illness, it was great however to hear some of the fabulous stories of how teams were able to improve engagement scores within their work areas by implementing tools to improve aspects of engagement such as communication, team building and feedback. The next Go Engage survey will be out in April, so please do take the time to fill this in.
In addition to these mechanisms I am also keen we do some specific work to engage with staff. So, I will be working closely with Fiona Ibberson from the Organisational Development team to set up some focus groups with staff looking at our values within the organisation and how much they resonate with staff. Very importantly, I want to know if people see our values being translated in the way people behave and undertake some work on the sort of behaviours we really want to see.
We will also be undertaking a cultural audit – this will be in the form of a questionnaire, but will be different to the staff survey. This will focus on the way we do things at the Trust, “We are what we do”. I want to know the way we do things and why?
We already have a staff engagement group, but I am looking to build on this to establish a small group (15-20 people) to work directly with me on this. I have already identified some people through my visits to services that are keen to be involved but this is an open invite to be involved in this work, to shape our future direction. I am looking to ensure we have a good representation from across our services and mix of managers and more front line staff. If I get more people than needed, I will expand this group to an informal network and find ways of engaging you in this work.
If you’d like to be involved, please email me: Claire.molloy1@nhs.net And I will obviously use this blog to update you on this work going forward.
Finally, thank you to those of you who are working over the bank holiday but I hope that everyone gets to spend some time enjoying the lovely sunny weather we are expecting!!!
Claire Molloy
Chief Executive