Thursday, 10 May 2018

Shining a spotlight on our nurses

Tomorrow (12 May) is International Nurses’ Day.  We wanted to take this opportunity to recognise the enormous contribution of our nurses and personally share our gratitude.
We are not forgetting other professionals; our allied health professionals, social care staff, doctors, dental colleagues, domestics, support staff and many others all play a vital and valuable role.
However, this annual celebration of Florence Nightingale’s birthday is a prime opportunity to shine a spotlight on our nurses, who make up a large proportion of our workforce. 
In fact, there are just under 1,700 whole time equivalent qualified nursing staff employed by the Trust, along with many others in a nursing-related role.
While recognising that patient care needs to come first, we encourage you to take some time out of your busy day to attend the special event at Ashton Masonic Hall; even if just for a short time.  A range of free prizes and health, wellbeing and pamper activities are on offer, along with two Schwartz rounds.  Refreshments will also be provided. Full details are provided on the staff intranet.
During our visits to services and through feedback and updates we receive, we are humbled by your hard work, commitment and dedication.
We are fully aware of the challenges you are facing on a daily basis. Your determination to overcome these challenges for the benefit of the patients and communities you serve, makes the work you do all the more admirable. 
Time and again you demonstrate resilience through your willingness to be flexible, adaptable, to learn and to never give up.  The many examples of staff going the extra mile during the bad weather in March were prime examples of this.
Your input is essential in ensuring the Trust is able to grow from strength to strength and continue to meet the needs of patients into the future.  This is particularly important as we navigate the changes that are being implemented in our local boroughs and across Greater Manchester.
Our dedicated professional forums are key in ensuring your voices are heard, but we are also keen to get out and visit as many services as possible.  This allows us to speak to you and find out first-hand the issues you face; not to mention learn about your successes. 
As there are so many services in the Trust, it’s difficult to visit every single one – however, we are committed to visiting as many as possible.  If you would like one of us to visit your service, please contact Karen Hamer at  or Nicola Grimley at
Finally, on behalf of the Board, may we thank you once again for your ongoing hard work and commitment.  Keep up the great work!

Claire Molloy
Chief Executive                                          

Jackie Stewart
Executive Director, Nursing and Healthcare professionals (interim)