We have updated the Trust’s strategy this year because things have changed so much within health and social care over the last two years and we have to ensure we have a clear focus and direction of travel for Pennine Care.
The work on the strategy has been ongoing throughout this year, building on the numerous staff engagement events and planning held in recent times.
At its highest level, our Trust strategy includes the elements below. Much of this has stayed the same expect the values ‘CARES’ have now replaced the Principles of Care, following a Trust-wide staff engagement exercise this summer. We have also come up with a purpose to describe what we do and slightly updated our organisational goals:
Our offer to the people - give us your views
An important part of the Strategic Plan is our “offer to the people”. This outlines how we provide care to ensure it is a positive experience for patients.
As our staff, patients, their carers and family members, or people living in our communities who may access our services at some stage in their lives, we’d welcome your views on this section in particular.
Have we captured how you want your care to be delivered?
What would you like to see from our teams to demonstrate each of the bullet points?
Please let us know by completing a quick activity sheet, which can be found on our website, or by simply emailing your thoughts and feedback to communications.penninecare@nhs.uk with the subject ‘strategic plan’.
Over the next five years, Pennine Care will continue to work with staff, partners and our patients, carers and families, to shape and change services to ensure we deliver whole person, place-based care.
Thank you,
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